Katniss thinks she can't win they Games because she is facing 23 other tributes. She tells herself she has to win for Prim, but she knows she has to go up against the Career tributes who have been training for the Games since they were little.
Because many districts, like 1 and 2, have been training for the Hunger Games their whole lives and it's extremely rare for a tribute from the 3 poorest districts-10, 11, and 12- to win. But Katniss's mentor, Haymith Abernathy, was from District 12 and he won The Hunger Games, but that was 24 years before Katniss became a tribute.
In the first Hunger Games Katniss does not believe she can win because she thinks that she is to weak. She knows that The Careers have been trained since childhood to become Tributes, and knows that they will have the advantage of having good sponsors. She does not think about winning unil she and Rue have blown up the food. Then she begins to think about actually winning.
In Cathching Fire, Katniss believes that she is destined to die, and that The Captiol has made it their mission to not let her live. She does not care, though, because she has already promised to do everything to save Peeta, even to die.
she is happy and thankful but also a little bit unsure of his interntions. That is the point in the series when katniss realises pettas lover for her isn't an act for the games and the cappitol. its real.
She feels very sad... :(
Katniss is unsure about how she truly feels about Peeta (what is real and what is part of their act) which upsets Peeta. Katniss tells Peeta that "[t]he closer we get to District Twelve, the more confused I get".
Because Katniss thougt she could have saved her before the Capitol got her.
Why does Katniss feel so betrayed when Peeta asks to be coached separately
Not very confident although in the beginning Gale tries to convince her that it is only hunting. Katniss promises Prim she will try.
she is happy and thankful but also a little bit unsure of his interntions. That is the point in the series when katniss realises pettas lover for her isn't an act for the games and the cappitol. its real.
Prim asks Katniss to try to win for her.
Katniss feels only pity for him and wants his suffering to stop.
I am not sure why you are feeling like this. Maybe you should try and talk to someone about how you feel.
She thinks she blew her "slim" chance of winning
Katniss (who is very judgemental and is bad at figuring out people) is very skeptical of Peeta, and believes that he will just want to see how good Katniss is and use what he can against her. Also there is the probability of Peeta slowing down Katniss's training (this second part I added really isn't in the book).
I feel Katniss have a right to be upset with Haymith because he doesn't have a good attitude. He often doesn't let Katniss and others let do anything. He also has some bad attitude which is not acceptable.
she doesnt want to have kids and get their names put in the reaping ball
She feels very sad... :(