Duncan because he refused to sing and
Harold because alejandro told him that it was his folt his team lost.
(so he sacrificed himself for DJ.)
Duncan = Winner Beth = Runner Up Owen = 3rd Courtney = 4th Harold = 5th
Duncan,Dj,Geoff, Bridgett,Courtney,Eva,Harold,Ezekiel,Katie,Sadie, and Tyler
Duncan from total drama island is 17. He went to jail several times and he likes Courtney from total drama island.
Sadly, Harold gets voted off in 2008: A Space Owen. He gets 5th place Remaining contenders: Owen, Duncan, Beth, and Courtney
Total Drama Island season 3 is actually called Total Drama Musical and the contestants are Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Heather, Izzy(E-scope), Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Trent, Tyler, and last but definatly not least, my favorite,.........HAROLD!!!!
duncan does
Trent, and Duncan have the ping-pong balls and i think Harold does too.
Duncan Trent and Harold
Duncan, Trent, and Harold
Only either Duncan or Harold will be in Total Drama Reloaded, but no news yet. However, it is a strong chance that Harold is going to be in Total Drama Reloaded. Also, all of the contestants will be in the finale. Also, it is confirmed that Camp Wawanakwa is radioactive and all the original characters will help with the challenges before the island blows up, but either Harold or Duncan will compete.
Duncan, Harold, and Owen have one. the go to duncan and go left of him and ask trent.
Duncan and Harold team up to vote her out instead of Leshawna
The final 6 is Harold, Lindsay, Courtney, Duncan, Justin, andBeth.
i do not know because season 3 total drama the musical did not come out yet He does, someone told me that Duncan gets kicked off first on Season 3. Much has yet to be true this Summer.
Duncan duncan
Duncan = Winner Beth = Runner Up Owen = 3rd Courtney = 4th Harold = 5th
Duncan,Dj,Geoff, Bridgett,Courtney,Eva,Harold,Ezekiel,Katie,Sadie, and Tyler