Duncan = Winner
Beth = Runner Up
Owen = 3rd
Courtney = 4th
Harold = 5th
they dontgive out any last names in total drama action or island
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
The Total Drama TV serires is currently nearing the end of their third season, with Heather, Alejandro, and Cody finishing. Season 1)Total Drama Island Season 2)Total Drama Action Season 3)Total Drama World Tour
Gwen is in second place.Owen wins tdi!!!!
It depends. who was voted off in the last total drama action? Geoff and bridgette? Izzy? if izzy then it will be Trent next. if it was bridgette and geoff the it is izzy.
Duncan wins total drama action. But Beth wins the alternate ending.
wins :)
The Way Total Drama Action Ends Is Owen Wins By Default. He wins a million dollars and throws ANOTHER ending party. Beth wins
Beth wins total drama action because Duncan gets caught cheating in the final event!!!!!!!!!!!SO SAD:(:(:(:(
I think it is Beth!
If you live in Australia like me, you will find that Beth wins. In America, Duncan wins.
Courtney it comes down to duncan and Courtney but Courtney wins but im not sure how but Courtney wins
Total Drama Action is a Canadian cartoon that airs on Cartoon Network. It is a show where teens compete to win money doing crazy things on teams. The winner of "Total Drama Action" is the character Duncan.
duncan and Courtney are the last two but Courtney wins
duncan and Courtney but Courtney wins