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The creator of 'Star Wars' , George Lucas , had decided to retire and pass his creation on to a newer generation . You can read the interview where he stated his reasons for doing so at the related link below .

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Q: Why did George Lucas sell Star Wars to Disney?
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Did Disney buy the Star Wars francise?

Yes, Disney bought Lucasfilm. This include Star Wars.

Did George Lucas sell star wars?

Yes. Disney bought the rights from him

What company bought star wars from George Lucas?

Lucasfilm was recently purchased by the Disney Corporation.

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There won't be anymore made by George Lucas himself, because Disney bought the rights to Lucasfilm from him, so Disney is in charge of Star Wars now

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Yes, because Disney bought the rights to Lucasfilm from George Lucas in 2012 so any product that is Star Wars related, all rights go to Disney

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The creator of the Star Wars series is George Lucas.

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George Meredith Lucas created the Star Wars franchise.

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It won't. Season 6 was cancelled when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars from George Lucas

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George Lucas

When was Star Wars first released on the big screen?

Star Wars was first released on May, 25, 1977. It is a film series that was produced by George Lucas, still popular today. The Disney Company has purchased Lucas Films.

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George Lucas directed and invented star wars.

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