I don't believe that Alli ever killed anyone. Blinded Jenna, but did not kill.
MY ANSWER: the real Alison killed a lot of people including Courtney (her twin who is pretending to be Ali) Jenna Ian Toby
Toby Cavanaugh secret was that he touched his step sister, Jenna, inappropriately, and Jenna had told Alison. Alison and Jenna then made the plan that they were going to stop Toby from ever doing it again. Alison then made the girls all set the firework off into Toby's treehouse; but Ali was unaware that Jenna was in there with him.. and the firework blinded Jenna. Toby saw Alison set the firework off and proceded to threaten that he would tell what she did, but she replyed with that she knew his secret as well, and she promised that if Toby kept her secret that she would keep his.
The Jenna Thing is when, at the beginning of Flawless, Spencer, Ali, Emily, Hanna and Aria are having a sleepover and they catch Toby Cavanaugh spying on them. Ali decides to go into Toby's treehouse and set off fireworks to scare him. But, when she's in the treehouse, she sees Toby raping Jenna and sets off the fireworks at the wrong time, making Jenna blind. Toby threatens to tell on Ali, but Ali says she'll tell on Toby... So yeah, that's the Jenna Thing.
Jenna has to deal with Toby as a step-brother but she secretly hates him. You may think that Ali just set off the fireworks, but that wasn't what happened. Ali saw Toby touching Jenna inappropriately. Ali was so surprised that she lit the firework by surprise. When the firetrucks came and everything was over and Jenna was rushed to the hospital, Toby approached Ali. He said "I know what you did and I'm going to tell." Ali shot back and told him that if he told that she had lit the firework, she would tell his parents that he had touched his step-sister.
in one of the episodes it looks like Toby did kill himslef.. well at least in the books he does. and the season finale of the show Toby does come back.. but gets arrested for killing ali buyt he didnt kill her.. she wasonly wearing his sweater because it was cold. and he did see ali go into another car still alive..
No Tobys parents do not kidnapp alison
Because heliked Ali A's a friend and would never kill her
I don't believe that Alli ever killed anyone. Blinded Jenna, but did not kill. MY ANSWER: the real Alison killed a lot of people including Courtney (her twin who is pretending to be Ali) Jenna Ian Toby
Toby Cavanaugh secret was that he touched his step sister, Jenna, inappropriately, and Jenna had told Alison. Alison and Jenna then made the plan that they were going to stop Toby from ever doing it again. Alison then made the girls all set the firework off into Toby's treehouse; but Ali was unaware that Jenna was in there with him.. and the firework blinded Jenna. Toby saw Alison set the firework off and proceded to threaten that he would tell what she did, but she replyed with that she knew his secret as well, and she promised that if Toby kept her secret that she would keep his.
The Jenna Thing is when, at the beginning of Flawless, Spencer, Ali, Emily, Hanna and Aria are having a sleepover and they catch Toby Cavanaugh spying on them. Ali decides to go into Toby's treehouse and set off fireworks to scare him. But, when she's in the treehouse, she sees Toby raping Jenna and sets off the fireworks at the wrong time, making Jenna blind. Toby threatens to tell on Ali, but Ali says she'll tell on Toby... So yeah, that's the Jenna Thing.
Ali Told Jenna That Spencer Lit Toby's Basement On Fire Not Ali
a is not Jenna Mona was a at the beginning... then Ali was a... because a is not really dead it is her twin sister!
The night that jenna was blinded, Toby and Jenna were in there tree house. Toby used to do thing to Jenna, inappropriate things. The night Ali set of the firework, she was distracted by what she was seeing happeing in Jenna and Toby's tree house, she set it off and hit Jenna in the eyes, blinding her. But what is told in the 4th book is that Ali and Jenna planned set the firework of that night together, and Jenna told Ali she had family problems (meaning Toby) and wanted toby out off her life for good, and since Toby's parents and threatened to sen hi to boarding school if he set another firework of (which he was banned for because he did it to much) they knew Toby would be sent away. So Ali new what he did to jenna all those years, and Ali blackmailed Toby sailing that if he takes the blame for blinding Jenna, she wouldn't tell his parents what he had been doing to her. CONFUSING I KNOW! And also, since mona was the 1st A, she new how Jenna got blinded, not from ali's diary but because she was there hiding in the bushes watching, and she has scars on her stomach/chest from where the firework sparks caught her. Hope this helps:-)
Jenna has to deal with Toby as a step-brother but she secretly hates him. You may think that Ali just set off the fireworks, but that wasn't what happened. Ali saw Toby touching Jenna inappropriately. Ali was so surprised that she lit the firework by surprise. When the firetrucks came and everything was over and Jenna was rushed to the hospital, Toby approached Ali. He said "I know what you did and I'm going to tell." Ali shot back and told him that if he told that she had lit the firework, she would tell his parents that he had touched his step-sister.
yes. Ali is A in but she gets help from Ian, Jenna, Toby, Garret, etc.
She saw Ali blind Jenna and then force Toby to take the blame. Oh yeah, and Ali kills Ali.
Towards the end, Toby Cavanaugh follows Emily home after the Foxy dance and tries to explain everything to her--earlier he told Emily he was "glad Ali was dead" and Emily thought he had killed her. Anyways, Toby ended up running into the woods behind Emily's house and took an overdose on pills and committed suicide. The next day Jenna (Toby's sister who Ali blinded) let the 4 girls read his suicide note he wrote. Toby didn't kill Ali but he felt extremely guilty for "touching" Jenna- that's why he killed himself.
in one of the episodes it looks like Toby did kill himslef.. well at least in the books he does. and the season finale of the show Toby does come back.. but gets arrested for killing ali buyt he didnt kill her.. she wasonly wearing his sweater because it was cold. and he did see ali go into another car still alive..