Thorin unsettled Smaug, causing him to attack the river town of Esgaroth, angering the residents, some time before the Battle of Five Armies.
Bard told Thorin that Thorin must give Bard a portion of the treasure to rebuild Esgaroth, or he would be considered the foe of the lake-town.
He declared the Mountain besieged
Thorin vows to kill anyone who withholds the Arkenstone .
Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain.
Bard was the killer of the dragon and the people of Esgaroth had suffered from the dragon's attack, which he said was caused by the dwarves.Bard killed the dragon and his people suffered much from the dragon's years of terrorizing.
Bard told Thorin that Thorin must give Bard a portion of the treasure to rebuild Esgaroth, or he would be considered the foe of the lake-town.
When Thorin was entombed in the Lonely Mountain, Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast.
He was angry at Bilbo's theft and decided the Lake men needed a reminder of who ruled.
Bilbo had stolen a cup from Smaug's hoard and, from some unfortunate comments on Bilbo's part, deduced that the thief was a Lakeman from Esgaroth, so he went off in a great fiery rage to burn Esgaroth to the ground and eat lots of tasty Lakemen.
Because Bilbo accidentally made Smaug (The dragon) get angry at them. Their city was destroyed by the dragon and they weren't too happy.
Esgaroth is in the Long Lake of the river Running. It is east of Mirkwood and south of Erebor and Dale.
200 years
200 years
He declared the Mountain besieged
The collective nouns are a crowd of angry people or a mob of angry people.
Bilbo had stolen a cup from Smaug's hoard and, from some unfortunate comments on Bilbo's part, deduced that the thief was a Lakeman from Esgaroth, so he went off in a great fiery rage to burn Esgaroth to the ground and eat lots of tasty Lakemen.