Bard told Thorin that Thorin must give Bard a portion of the treasure to rebuild Esgaroth, or he would be considered the foe of the lake-town.
Elvenking, king of under the montains, and bard
The master was not concerned with the welfare of the people, he only wanted their money. The bard wanted what was due to them from the dwarves, but he wanted it to help the people survive.
The Hobbit contains many human characters, including the men of Laketown, most notably Bard the Bowman. Gandalf appears in human form, but he is not a human.
Bard the Bowman shot a black arrow into the bare hollow in Smaug's left breast, killing the dragon. The arrow was believed by Bard to have come from the King Under the Mountian, and his father and his grandfather had used it.
The Old Thrush, one of the species of Great Thrush that lived in the Esgaroth region, told Bard that Smaug had a hole in his armored chest right over his heart.
Bard was born and lived in Laketown.
he killed the dragon
he thinks that he is useful
Bard did not have a surname.
In The Hobbit, Bard, who was the King of Dale, can be described as gallant and brave.
Bard, a character who becomes more important as the story goes on.
A thrush.
Smaug is the major conflict who is slain by Bard.
Elvenking, king of under the montains, and bard
Smaug has the Arkenstone in his hoard. Bilbo acquires it from the pile of treasure. He then gives it to Bard. Bard puts it with Thorin when he is buried. That is where it stayed.
Woodrow wilsion
Woodrow Wilson