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qbasic is important because its technology

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Q: Why are rem statements important in qbasic programming?
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What statements about rem sleep are true?

REM sleep is amazing sleep!

Is there a modern equivalent of Qbasic?

Before QBASIC there was... BASIC BASICA The QBASIC programming language is a modern form of old BASIC programming languages which came before it; these older BASIC's used such things as, line numbers. 10 PRINT "Hello, world!" : REM *** Old BASIC line statement QBASIC code, however, doesn't need to use line numbers, anymore; and, this creates much simpler/clearer/cleaner code/which is also quicker to write/debug. PRINT "Hello, world" '*** QBASIC line statement However, now-a-days, QBASIC is a rather outdated programming language which has been superceded by... VB/Visual BASIC VBA/Visual BASIC for Applications VBScript/Visual BASIC Script VB.NET/Visual BASIC.NET VB.NET, is the latest BASIC programming language version offering from the software company, Microsoft. The Visual BASIC family of programming languages uses OOP/Object Oriented Programming techniques; where you can use a library of pre-built software objects; this makes coding much faster...leading to RAD/Rapid Application Development...because it means that by making full use of these re-usable software objects; then, programmers can write much less code; which in some cases can cut software development time down by half/or, more...!

Why qbasic is a higher level languages?

QBasic Benefits :-1) It is a good language for beginners.2) It has English-like commands.3) QBasic has an easy format and is easy to implement.4) The errors in codes can be fixed easily.QBasic Limitations:-1) It is not professional programing language.2) The language is not structured.3) It is hard to understand.4) It is rarely used in real life except in the field of education and training.

Where is a data statement usually placed in a basic program?

Anywhere really. A data statement (or REM statement) - can be placed anywhere within the program, because the operating system ignores all REM statements.

What does REM mean in the sleep cycle?

REM sleep is important because this it the stage of sleep helps our brains develop.

Why is REM important?

REM could mean Rapid Eye Movement, R.E.M the pop group, or it could mean the website - more information required

In computer terms what is REM?

Full form of REM is REMark (command in DOS to ignore a statement as a command)

Is rem sleep deep?

3/13/2012 jhh: REM sleep is NOT deep sleep. In fact, it is the lightest stage of sleep. In order from awake to deep sleep: AWAKE, REM, LIGHT, DEEP. Deep sleep and REM sleep are the most important stages though. Light sleep doesn't do much for you. Deep replenishes your body, while REM replenishes your mind. Older answer (not accurate): Yes. It is the deeper form of sleep that we experience during our sleep cycle, rem sleep is where dreaming occurs But not the deepest sleep, which would be delta. That's where, unless your a mother and hear your baby cry, you are oblivious to your environment.

REM rebound involves the?

REM rebound involves the tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation.

What is plural of rem?

The plural form of rem is rem.Ex: I have a lifetime dose of 3 rem.

How do you convert 4693 into a binary number?

1001001010101 2346 ÷ 2 = 1173 Rem. 0 1173 ÷ 2 = 586 Rem. 1 586 ÷ 2 = 293 Rem. 0 293 ÷ 2 = 146 Rem. 1 146 ÷ 2 = 73 Rem. 0 73 ÷ 2 = 36 Rem. 1 36 ÷ 2 = 18 Rem. 0 18 ÷ 2 = 9 Rem. 0 9 ÷ 2 = 4 Rem. 1 4 ÷ 2 = 2 Rem. 0 2 ÷ 2 = 1 Rem. 0 1 ÷ 2 = 0 Rem. 1