QBasic Benefits :-
1) It is a good language for beginners.
2) It has English-like commands.
3) QBasic has an easy format and is easy to implement.
4) The errors in codes can be fixed easily.
QBasic Limitations:-
1) It is not professional programing language.
2) The language is not structured.
3) It is hard to understand.
4) It is rarely used in real life except in the field of education and training.
QBASIC/QuickBASIC is a 'high level' programming language; because its syntax is, in fact, 'english based'/as opposed to being all 'numbers based', instead; and, therefore, even complete 'beginner' programmers can learn how to read/write QBASIC programs, instantly, right away.
Very few people write their programs using 'low level' machine code numbers, anymore; but, it still does happen. This is because 'low level' machine code numbers based programs run 'faster' than does 'high level' english syntax based programs.
'High level' programs need an intermediary program...called either an 'interpreter/or, compiler' program...which is used to translate the 'high level' english syntax code down into being 'low level' numbers based machine code, first...*before* the computer can understand how to run the program.
Whereas, 'low level' machine language code doesn't need any further translation; as it's already been written using 'binary code' numbers which computer machines have no difficulties understanding.
There are many advantages to using QBASIC to program with...
1> This programming language is FREE
...it comes on both the Windows 95/98 CD ROM discs
...it can also be FREEly downloaded over the internet.
2> This programming language is very simple and easy to learn. It also includes built in help; with code examples you can both copy and paste/then, RUN; so you don't need to buy a book/or, use the internet in order to find help.
3> Because this programming language has been around for a long time; therefore, if you do wish to go and locate finding resources; then, you will find that books/internet tutorials/videos/-etc. do absolutely abound; there is no end of possibly 'useful' resources to go and learn from.
4> It is an extremely 'compact' programming language; which will fit onto a single 3 & 1/2 inch floppy disk drive. So, you really don't need to have TONS of disk space available; before you can think of both downloading and using it.
5> It is an updated/and, therefore, 'modern day' version of the old BASIC programming language; so, it doesn't need to use such things as...
>Line numbers/GOTO
QBASIC, instead, uses well structured code.
However, on the other hand, QBASIC is also meant to be 'backwards compatible' with old BASIC's; so, it is actually possible to write old BASIC style programs inside of the QBASIC IDE/Integrated Development Environment; and, still get these older programs to work, properly. This means you can type in/run/test old BASIC code; and, learn from these programming examples, as well.
6> QBASIC, is the 'base' language used inside of newer Microsoft BASIC languages such as, Visual BASIC, VBA/Visual BASIC for Applications, VBScript, VB.NET, -etc. What this actually means is...once, you've already gone and learned how to write code using QBASIC, effectively; then, you will find yourself readily equipped to go and work with using both 'old BASIC'/and, 'new BASIC' programming language versions. So, learning it helps you to understand both 'old' ways of programming/and, 'new'.
6> QBASIC is a totally uncluttered environment; it doesn't include such things as 'loads of objects' as does Visual BASIC/-etc.; which can often complicate the task of learning how to use a programming language for the first time. As you have to learn both the 'programming language' itself/AND, also, how to use various different 'objects'. However, with QBASIC you just simply work at learning to use pure QBASIC code, alone; this makes learning so much faster; quite simply, because there are far fewer things to go learn.
7> QBASIC is 'fun' to go, and, learn. Indeed, as is any programming language. It is, essentially, a highly 'creative' pursuit. So, once you do find yourself understanding how to use the language; then, instead, of copying and writing down other people's code; you will find yourself thinking of programs that you yourself would like to go create; and, to that end, you will write what is entirely your own codes; as well as, finding your own programming 'style' for both designing/writing code/documenting code.
8> Learning QBASIC programming; will also teach you a lot about how to understand, and, use other programming languages which are NOT, in fact, BASIC related at all.
You will find yourself, quite casually, looking at almost any other programming language, be it Pascal/C/C++/Javascript/Java/-etc.; and, immediately, be able to recognise such things as variables/loops/selection/functions/-etc.
So, QBASIC can be a very good launch pad towards going and studying learning to use other programming languages. The reason why you 'start' learning QBASIC to begin with is because it's 'simple'; then, later on, you can progress to learning to use far more 'complex' programming languages, instead.
I think, here I will close this list of reasons why I personally do think QBASIC has many advantages over other programming languages; and, is especially useful for people who are 'beginner' programmers to go and learn.
QBASIC 'is' important; in the sense, that this particular programming language is the 'base' language...which lies behind many other far more highly sophisticated Microsoft programming languages, including...
> Visual BASIC
> VBScript - Visual BASIC Script
> VBA - Visual BASIC for Applications
> VB.NET - Visual BASIC.NET/(which is the very 'latest' Microsoft programming language version)
What this means is, if you already know/or else are learning how to use the QBASIC programming language...; then, you will already have made huge inroads towards understanding how to work with and use ALL of those other Microsoft programming languages.
NOTE: You do NOT 'need' to learn QBASIC, first, though; in order to go learn any of these other languages; but, it definitely gives you a much deeper level of understanding of how those other programming languages work/and, have been put together; because, historically speaking, QBASIC happens to be their direct ancestor programming language.
Another way that having learned QBASIC can be useful; is if you are interested in running 'old BASIC' programs...-(BASIC, is the 'original' programming language from which ALL other BASIC versions/including QBASIC did descend from)-...then, QBASIC is, in fact, backwards compatible with BASIC...therefore, it will still allow you to be able to type in and run 'old BASIC' programs code inside of the QBASIC programming environment; where as the 'newer' versions of BASIC will NOT allow you to do this, anymore, unfortunately!
β’QBasic is not a professional programming language.
β’the language is not constructed.
β’it is hard to understand.
β’it is rearly used in real life except in the field of education and training.
It's a "low level" language because it works at the machine level, while higher level languages are built on top of it.
Three type of languages High level Mid level Low level
Machine Language is the lowest level language other than microcode as it is what the processor itself uses to handle operations. Assembly is low level as it is very close to machine language. Higher level languages have higher levels of abstraction and more structure to them, such as C++. Lower level languages are very operation based.
Higher level languages such as C, C++, Java, etc enables programmers to develop an application in an understandable way in a sense that these languages serve as an abstraction for machine code. Using higher level languages would enable programmers to write programs quickly and debug them easily. These codes will then be translated to machine language by the compiler. Machine language is the one which contains binary stuff, which is the one understood by computers.
The advantage of qbasic is that it is easy to learn, to start out,then one can move on to more complex, or advanced languages.
It's a "low level" language because it works at the machine level, while higher level languages are built on top of it.
There is no such program. Low level languages cannot be converted to high level languages. It's one-way only.
Most computer languages use the asterisk, "*", for multiplication.
In order to Download Qbasic you may do one, both or none of these two things: 1.) Go to "http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Coding-languages-Compilers/Qbasic.shtml" and click download or 2.) use "Google.com" with the keywords Qbasic free download to find another website with a free qbasic downlaod.
They use the instruction set of the CPU directly and hence the lowest level you can work with. Other languages are compiled into the lowest level eventually, but are developed at a higher level of abstraction. Most of the time the higher level programs are portable to other CPUs (Intel versus AMD for example).
You can't. VB is too complex and too high level. C is one of the most basic low level languages around. Its very hard to translate into higher level languages but easy to translate into assembler
Assembly languages are low level languages, sometimes also called machine-level languages.
the extensions of qbasic are that, there are only 80 pixels to write in the qbasic
Higher level languages tend to require more memory, have larger executable sizes, and may run slightly slower than lower-level languages. The preceding statement assumes that comparable programs are written by programmers with approximately the same level of expertise in their chosen language. A highly skilled C++ programmer writing C++ will generate a program that is superior to an unskilled assembler programmer. Also note that the additional perceived delays are usually because the higher level language is working harder at protecting the system from crashes, buffer overflows, and so on that the lower level language may not be checking as rigorously, and so offers an inherent additional level of stability and security.