Bret Michaels email address is
Michael Bublé's private address is not known at this time.
Dr. Michael A. Weiner111 St. Thomas Way Tiburon, CA94920 is the correct URL address for the radio station that only plays Michael Jackson.
REM means Rapid Eye movements, a stage of sleep. I am not aware of any other meanings.
the stipes protect the glossa -- the tongue
Jeffrey A. Stipes has written: 'A quick look at Visual Basic'
Stipes are basically stems of the kelp. hope this helped :)
They are white with black stripes. because if you turn them over their bellys are white! Made by Kaeleigh M
wesley snipes, flexing pipes
Michael Stipe writes the lyrics and Peter Buck, Mike Mills, and (Bill Berry) the music
Shiny Happy People by REM and Kate Pierson (from the B52s).
Luna is the latin for moon and stipes means log so maybe your answer is just that Lúna stipes.