haha ummmm a ROCK
One Direction is classified under the genre of "POP" therefore their music is Pop. So One Thing is Pop.
no member of one direction actually write the song, it was written by Tebey Ottoh, Tommy Lee James, Peter Wallevik and Tommy P Gregerson.
One Direction font
Jhon Newbery wrote the song Rock a bye baby.
Lukasz Gottwald, Henry Walter, Melin Shikder, Peter Svensson, Allan Grigg, Sam Hollander
One Direction:Dare to Dream:Life As One Direction
One Direction
Ed Sheeran Wrote The Song Moments not a member of One Direction :)
Sure as hell wasn't one direction.
They never wrote it, Ed Sheeran did.
The boys themselves co-wrote it with Ed-Sheran
No. The Ten Commandments were written on rock - by Moses at the direction of God. The Bible was physically written by men.
One Direction
Kelly Clarkson wrote Tell Me A Lie for One Direction.
one direction are terrible, they don't rock. They are all ugly, especially Harry, and their songs are the worst in the world. ONE DIRECTION SUCK!
Ed Sheeran wrote Moments for them.