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Jelly fish because they have a lot of tentacles that can sting.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the toucan because of its intellegenge to stay away from the box jellyfish

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Q: Who would win in a fight between a box jellyfish and a toucan?
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Who would win a fight a box jellyfish or a whale?

The whale would win because it can just eat the box jellyfish. The box jellyfish's toxic is too small to damage the whale a little bit.

Who would win in a fight a lion or a jellyfish?

A lion would win the fight because 1.) it is bigger, 2.) It is stronger, and 3.) the lion has claws. Although the jellyfish can sting, the lion, as I said, is stronger. But, if the battle takes place in water, there is a chance that the jellyfish would win the battle because it has a home-court advantage.

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The box jellyfish since it has stronger and more powerful toxic than the portuguese man of war.

who would win in a fight a box jellyfish or Portuguese man of war?

man of war all day

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the eel because the eel would sting it before the lobster could strike at it.

How would a jellyfish catch a fish?

jellyfish have tentacles hanging down and streaming behind them in the ocean that have poisonous stingers on them, and other tentacles that grasp prey that has been stung and pulls it up into itself.

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Trix may be for kids, but that bunny is actually a trained assassin working undercover for the cereal company. Toucan would not even see him coming. Have you ever heard of Captain Crunches Brother, Pirate Sweet Tooth? Nobody has, because that Trix bunny made him disappear!

what would win a electric eel or a jellyfish?


Can a sea anemone kill a jellyfish?

No. A sea anemone and a jellyfish would not meet. If they did meet, the jellyfish would sting the sea anemone and kill it.

What are some predators of a jellyfish?

Sea Turtles would hunt and eat the smaller jellyfish, but not the giant jellyfish.

What would happen to a jellyfish if it were placed in a freshwater lake?

Water would diffuse into the cells of the jellyfish, causing it to bloat up and possibly burst.

Who would win a fight between a gaur and a polar bear?

This fight would never happen, no matter how you look at it.