Batman and Superman because Superman is considered son of kryptonian and Superman is also a God. and in fact Superman has 2 beams that can destroy aliens or Martians
Superman, because Spiderman is human and has no Kryptonite. spidey isn't batman and therefore webs no worky on man of steel so no webs a fight of strenght between the two superman wins in 5 mins so long because of spideys spider senses
Depends on the versions and whether or not batman has prep time.
I think wolverine for the reason that the only way you could beat him is if you kill considering his healing factor. Although batman has showed that he cant be beaten and hes allways prevailed to be victorious he has also been stopped. Another reason why i chose wolverine is cause if he gets mad hes not afraid to slice your freakin head off, where batman only wishes to stop people. Also, Batman isn't even superhuman, he's just a nice rich guy with cool toys, versus Wolverine who is practically invinsible. The only ways to kill him are to A. Cut his head off (his weakness) _or if you want to get technical_ B. Drown him (This would most likely work, because he cannot breathe and there is no skin or bones to regrow) or C. Starve him (Same kind of deal as B.). Batman just has amazing luck, but he's the easiest hero to kill.
betty wins
Shikamaru Nara wins the first one in the series.
probably batman
It depends, batman and superman are enemies! they dont like each other. so it depends on the fight, sometimes superman wins and sometimes batman wins. now this doesnt mean that they're bad superheros, they are still good, but they just compete with each other.
Yes. If they fight, Superman wins. Same in death battle. Clayface always plans on hurting Batman.
Batman is smarter. Superman is stronger. If they play chess, Batman wins. If they lift weights, Superman wins.
Batman won their only fight, but through use of kryptonite. In the end, they came together for the greater good.
if bats knows he gonna fight them he can kill superman even tho wonderwoman would never fight him she loves him and he uses battarangs he can pierce her pump gas in her mouth batman wins with preperation but no prep bat wonderwoman kills batman then takes kryptonite from his utility belt puts it in her hands for a fist and punch superman to death
Yes he can. But it would be a very long battle if you'd watch the clock. Ms Marvel is somehow very wild and fast. She can defeat the Batman, Thor but not the Hulk and Superman. Ms Marvel is said to be the strongest female in Marvel. Unfortunately Superman wins!
The answer is yes, definitely. Superman is more powerful than Batman an various ways. Nevertheless, Superman is know to be the man of steel and will always stand first among all Superheroes. Superman flies and goes around rapidly, shoots an intense mortal beam from his eyes, freezes anyone with ice from his mouth, terminates his enemies by spinning in a mighty tornado, has the ability to put down a huge building with his super-breath, can send 50 hits in one consecutive seconds, scenes danger, has supervision and is considered to be immortal. On the other hand, Batman does nothing besides kicking, punching and using tools to destroys his enemies. Obviously, Superman wins.
Batman always wins against the Joker.
The fight has already taken place, at the end of "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" Batman uses a cloud of green Kryptonite gas to rob Superman of his powers, and had no trouble beating him up. Superman can win a fight... but Batman can plan a battle. There's a difference. Superman has called Batman the "most dangerous man alive". He even had to synthesize the Green K he used to do it with. Took years, and cost a fortune... fortunately, he had both.This is a difficult question as it throws up a lot of knee-jerk reactionary answers on both sides.On the one hand you have the knee-jerk opinion that in any "versus" situation the rule of thumb is "Batman always wins".On the other hand you have the knee-jerk opinion that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet and able (in some incarnations) to juggle planets therefore Batman is dead before he even knew Superman was after him.The Superman argument is fairly straightforward. We are talking about the template for all modern superheroes. He is able to: move and think several times faster than the speed of sound; fire heat beams from his eyes; lift incredible masses; inhale enormous volumes of gas; expel gas from his lungs at supersonic speeds capable of freezing water; fly; and he is virtually invulnerable.In virtually every single possible regard Superman is a vastly superior combatant to Batman. He is capable of striking at a distance and significantly faster than Batman is capable of reacting.Which raises two questions:Why is Batman the only person Superman really fears? The person he describes as "the most dangerous man on the planet"andWhy did he feel a man with no super powers was the right person to safe guard Lex Luthor's Kryptonite ring? Why did he also do so with the explicit reasoning that "he was the only one he could trust to take him down" should the need ever arise?This is where the question gets confusing.Batman has no powers.Batman is a human being.However Batman walks with the Gods in the JLA. He walks with the Gods and he scares them. A human being amongst beings who can literally turn a man to dust with just a thought and they are scared of him. Why?This is more than just simply about him being intimidating; more than just a front. They are terrified for good reason. They know that there is a very good chance that if push came to shove Batman would take them down.In the modern DC universe this fear is more than realised when Batman's plans were subverted and people were taken down.Batman is an Olympic level athlete and acrobat and he is possibly the greatest martial artist of his generation but none of this compares to his greatest weapon: his mind.Batman is an applied genius. He is no theoretical academic but an expert is a huge range of fields and knows exactly how to turn his expertise into useful substance to fight crime.Batman's genius has lead him to forward plan; to form allegiances with other experts; to build and buy weapons; and to use computers and all they are capable of to his advantage.Superman's real weakness is Kryptonite, Batman has it, knows how to use it. He also would have planned at least a dozen ways to survive and win an attack by Superman.The only question is would he get a chance to use any of them?If there is any time lag or distance between them when Superman went bad then Batman is almost certainly going to win. If Superman is near Batman then he doesn't stand a chance, he will be dead before being able to draw a single breath or form a single thought.Alternative answerYou see, I truly believe that Batman will be victorious because he's an amazing superhero. Batman has the greatest weapon on his side..... intelligence and Batman's intelligence is outstanding and remarkable. In addition Batman is a man who saves Gotham before saving his own friends and family .... as he said once "when it comes to saving Gotham ...... I have no friends", and Batman has many utensils in his belt .... he has KRYPTONITE .....wait isn't that Superman's weakness ? Why yes, yes it is. If Batman has a car in that belt, then he's destined to have Kryptonite .... and by the way it seems every last one of Superman's villains has why wouldn't Batman ?So what if u can get shot in the eye with a bullet and still go on with your day ... but can you take your weakness in your eye ?This has been something on peoples minds ever since they both began. There is no definitive answer, Batman is known as the worlds greatest detective so he should be able to come up with a way to beat Superman, however, Superman does have all those powers and is a scientist, in the batman/superman movie Superman wore a lead suit to prevent being affected by Kryptonite. There is one thing we can say, it would be an awesome fight.Batman has beat superman on several occassion's just look at Frank Millers Graphic Novel The Dark Knight Returns as one example of batman beating up superman.Batman could easily take Superman out with kryptonite. But if he did not have kryptonite, he would be in deep trouble.It would depend on the situation as Superman has a weakness to kyptonite which Batman could exploit in a fight. batman to be clear would win in the last episode of justice league unlimited batman,lex and superman fought dark side in which dark side fired a eye beam after batman and batman through his great skill and agility dodged it and dark side said he had never seen someone dodge his eye beam and we have seen superman who is faster than the sound of light get hit by this maybe its cause superman is dumb cause he saw it coming and could not dodge it and was saved by the rest of the league so end of story BATMAN WINSBatman would win, but only because Superman would never completely attack him. Superman always holds back against other heroes, and especially Batman. The restraint the Superman Shows always allows Batman to exploit his weaknesses. Otherwise even with the Kryptonite that Superman gave Batman Superman could super-speed and use his laser vision to defeat him from a safe distance.