I'm not qute sure but I know the first feature lengh anime was directed by Mitsuyo Seo. --- Osamu Tezuka is the father of Anime.
Yes, but you have to be good with drawing anime, and make a good storyline.
actually, there is no episode about Yotsuba there is only the books. Creator of Yotsuba is making Show for azumanga daioh.
Shinichiro Watanabe . 渡辺信一郎 Watanabe Shinichirou is a director from Sunrise Studio who directed the anime series Cowboy Bebop.
Anime, anime, everythang anime, bag anime, watch anime.. And it goes on and on.
No. This is a complete one season anime. They defeated their enemy got their family together and are all happy and the creator decided to leave it at that. Really like the ending and i feel they ended it perfect.
Tite Kubo is the creator of the original story (the manga) and the anime show was produced by Studio Pierrot.
Yes, but you have to be good with drawing anime, and make a good storyline.
Michiyo Kikuta .
The godfather of anime - Osamu Tezuka .
No, there is no physical card for this monster, it is anime-only.
He is the creator of both the Inuyasha anime as well as the manga.
Eric Johnson and co-creator Alvin Chang brought Anime Momotaro to the stage. It is a retelling of the Japanese childhood fable Momotaro in an Anime style setting.
There is no such card as Horahkti - Creator of Light, it wasn't even a real card in the anime.
actually, there is no episode about Yotsuba there is only the books. Creator of Yotsuba is making Show for azumanga daioh.
Becoming famous using his anime and manga. And as far as i seen using Naruto will make him top anime creator. Maybe manga
No i dont think there will be i think the creator might be out of the business but who knows?
Producer: J.C. StaffDirector: Kenichi KasaiCREATOR: CHIKA UMINO.