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Was it The Clash no

Do you mean is Vic there which was sung by the British New Wave group Department S.

Is Vic There was their debut single in December 1980 and reached number 22 in the UK. music charts.

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Q: Who sung is Rick there?
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The song that is connected to the rick roll is sung by the singer Rick Astely. The song is titled "Never Gonna Give You UP." A rick roll is a technique used to prank people on the internet.

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Rick Springfield i dont get this question and i love yugioh???

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A rick roll is not a person. It is a technique used to prank people on the internet. On unsuspecting people, links across the internet come across saying things like 'Click here to see girls in bikinis'. With a rick roll, when you click on it, it will link to a video of Rick Astley singing 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. Other rolls are like Barack'Roll (Barack Obama singing [Rick Astley] Never Gonna Give You Up) and Sponge'Roll (Spongebob [TV Cartoon] singing [Rick Astley] Never Gonna Give You Up).

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Is it sung to or sung by?

Sung by

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Perhaps you mean the song 'Never Gonna Give You Up', the famous 'Rickroll' song. It is sung by Rick Astley.

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His current theme song is "nWo Original Theme" (Rockhouse remix). It is composed by Jimmy Hart.

What is the past tense of sing in passive form?

Passive is formed with be + past was sung or were sung -- past.The anthem was sung before the game.The songs were sung with gusto.

How do you put sung in a sentence?

To use "sung" in a sentence: "She has sung beautifully in many concerts."