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Rick is overweight and will soon get hypertention. Which diet is best for Rick?

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Q: Rick is overweight and will soon get hypertention. Which diet is best for Rick?
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Does a high fat diet cause hypertention?

high fat will probably have more calories and will make you overweight which could bring hypertension

How to control hypertention?

Hypertention can be cotrolled with exercise, diet, and when it's nececcery antihypertensive drugs.which are Betablockers, ACE inh., calcium blockers

What is the best diet to help me stop being overweight?

The best diet is food portioning, exercising, and maintaining healthy food items for consumption. Also another component, perhaps the hardest of all, is motivation.

Is Rick Ross on a Diet now?

see food diet !

What do you do when your cat is overweight?

put them on a diet and play with them more

How do you tell a friend there overweight?

Can you go on a diet with me. You and I can do it together. Or if you're not overweight, you could say, "How do you feel about your body mass?"

Is it safe for children to diet?

If the child is overweight your doctor can suggest a diet.. But the diet should be healthy with lots of fruit and vegetables.

What is the best diet for someone who is overweight?

Just as each person is different, each diet is different. I would first talk with my doctor or a nutritionist to decide what would help lose the weight. Also you could check out this website for more information on diets.

You are 30 pounds overweight what do you do?

Exercise, and go on a healthy diet.

What about the overweight child?

make em go on a diet yo

How do you lose overweight?

weight* By exercising and going on a healthy diet.

Is 280 pound overweight?

Yes, 280 pounds is considered to be overweight. To lose weight, a person needs to exercise and go on a diet.