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Anything you put in your body can affect vaginal odor. This includes diet pills. The ingredients of the diet pill may change the pH balance of the vagina.

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Q: Can diet pills give you a vaginal odor?
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Does endometriosis cause vaginal odor?

Endometriosis does not cause vaginal odor on its own. However, if there is a bacterial infection present then vaginal odor can result.

Can a mans sperm cause vaginal odor?

No, a man's sperm cannot directly cause vaginal odor. Vaginal odor can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacterial imbalances or infections in the vagina. It is important to practice good hygiene and seek medical advice if you are concerned about vaginal odor.

Vaginal odor only you can smell no treatment recommended from doctor all test were normal no vaginal discharge no urine leakage no pain no itching just odor every day all day?

Check your diet. Lots of sugar, garlic, vegetables in the cabbage family all can cause some odor. Also, wash every day and douche often.

Why do men like vaginal odor?

It is a primeval stimulus for procreation. They find it arousing. That is DISGUSTING. I am a male and I don't like vaginal odor. I would NEVER want my wife's vagina to have an odor.

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What can kill vaginal odor?

You can get sprays and powders that can help with that

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Vaginal discharge that I'd watery white with no itching or odor for a month?

If there is vaginal discharge that is watery white, but there is no itching or odor for a month, this is a completely natural bodily function.

What is vaginal spray?

Summer's Eve is a brand that makes vaginal spray. It is a perfume that can be used to get rid of vaginal odor with fuyan pill.

What if you have a odor after sex and you are wet?

That is perfectly normal. The smell is actually from the mixture of vaginal juice and semen. If the vaginal is moist, the odor is often consider the best aphrodisiac for a male partner.

What do you do if you start your period in the middle of your birth control pack?

Continue taking the pills as scheduled, consider emergency contraception if you missed any pills and had intercourse in the last five days, and contact your health care provider if you have pain, vaginal odor, pain with sex, or pain with urination.