non diet cocacola for a drink and baked beans for food
misappropriation of family food budget is the unauthorized use of food likeness, or wastage of food, bad quality of preparation of family food budget resulting to harm and poor diet .
Robert pattinson's favorite food is a cereal called cinnamon toast crunch -Cheerlol13
Edward Cullen has drunk human blood before. Shortly after Carlisle Cullen changed Edward into a vampire, Edward became mad that Carlisle was shaping Edwards diet to animal blood and left Carlisle to drink human blood. When Edward killed murderers to see what it tasted like, he finally realized why Carlisle was drinking animal blood. He went back to Carlisle. Carlisle welcomed him as if the incident never happened.
He compares it to vegatarians.
Edward Cullen compares his diet to that of a vampire in the book "Twilight." He mentions that he prefers animal blood, like a "vegetarian" vampire, rather than human blood.
The raw food detox diet is a good diet and has a lot of information on it. There is a book on this diet that takes you step by step through the diet. The book is called The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose and can be bought on
Edward, a character in the Twilight series, does not consume human food due to his vampire nature. Instead, his diet consists of blood to sustain him.
The book "The Naked Diet" was written by Tess Ward. She is a chef and food writer known for her simple and healthy approach to cooking. The book emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods for a balanced and nutritious diet.
There are many good books about the food elimination diet. You might care to start with one or two of Dr Keith Scott-Mumby's books. Alternatively, make sure that whatever book you choose covers elimination diet, rotation diet and masked/hidden/addictive food allergy/intolerance. You can borrow a book or two from your local library if you are unable to buy them.
There are a great many of good books about health and diet food. One of these books is The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat.
In the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer, the character Edward Cullen compares his diet to that of a vampire, as he consumes only animal blood to sustain himself. This comparison highlights Edward's unique dietary restrictions as a vampire and the challenges he faces in maintaining his self-control. By likening his diet to twilight, Edward emphasizes the delicate balance between his supernatural nature and his desire to live amongst humans.
plants are important because they beautify the surroundings and it can make food and anything! Yes! i get it just answer that if u have an assignment :)
well in the books i guess you could say rabbit blood squirrle blood, smal animals.
best diet in my book is eat right no more junk food and take care of ur body :]
If you mean a food elimination diet to detect food allergy or intolerance, yes tomatoes should initially be excluded from your diet. If are unsure how to carry out an elimination diet (and then later a rotation diet) you could borrow a book or two from your local library if you are unable to buy them. There are many good ones. You could start with one of Dr Keith Scott-Mumby's books. Alternatively, make sure that whatever book you choose covers elimination diet, rotation diet and masked/hidden/addictive food allergy/intolerance.