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im not sure who osamu tezuka is but no one single person started anime it was a nation called Japan, well as far as i know.

Osamu Tezuka?

*edit* Osamu Tezuka was the first in japan to make a cartoon. "anime" is simply short for "animation" anywho. manga wasn't what it was today, but picture-stories in japan date way back into the samurai era and evolved from there.

also, "manga anime" is an oxymoron. anime=cartoon. manga=comic. completely different things.

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I think you might be talking about anime. They take a manga and turn it into a cartoon basically. They call it anime.

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Amotay hooks

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the japanese.

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When Naruto was made?

The pilot chapter of the manga was released in 1997, but the official manga started in 1999-present. The anime started in 2002-2007, when Shippuuden was aired from 2007-present.

What kind of animation is Naruto?

It is basically Anime some people here say anime manga but anime and manga is different. Manga is like a comic but black and white and you read it from right to left. and anime basically means animation in Japanese. So yeah...

Are the totally spies manga or anime?

Totally Spies is an anime. manga are the actual comic strips, anime are the TV shows.

What is a good nurse anime or manga?

If you are looking for an anime character that is a nurse, in Pokemon, the name of the (anime/manga) nurse is Nurse Melanie. :)

In your favor which is better anime or manga?

for me, manga. anime has colour and you just watch it instead of having to read but the manga, for me, is better cuz theres more detail (in the anime sometimes they skip parts that are in the manga) and if you missed something you can just read it over again. ^^ to add what they said it really depends on how they interped the story line there are anime who story line and chacter devoploment are better than the manga but i belive its what ever you started watching and or reading first..... but there are some anime that follow the manga to the very point of color everything lol and others where the name of the people are really the only samthing Yes, everyone have their own opinions and thoughts ^^;; Idk. Both are realllllly good. Sometimes manga draws things out to long. Sometimes Anime skips important parts. It's a really hard choice. :) For me manga is better. To me, manga is more the original work, and also anime has a lot of filler episodes when waiting for the manga to be produced. Also, I find anime is a little slower paced than manga.

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When did Naruto started?

It looks like the manga started in 1997 and the anime started in 2003Naruto the manga started in 1999 and naruto the anime started in 2002 :)

Is dragonball a manga or anime?

Dragonball originally started off as a manga and then it was made into the Anime later on. DragonBall Z followed the same footsteps - Manga first, then Anime second.

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Manga began in the 12th Century whereas Anime started in 1917 .

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the manga started in 1997 and the anime started in 2002

Is dragon ball anime or manga?

It is both anime and manga

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The manga that is based off of "It Started with a Kiss" is based on the popular anime manga series "Poopy Fart" by Creamof Sumyungi. It is the worst in the world.

When Naruto was made?

The pilot chapter of the manga was released in 1997, but the official manga started in 1999-present. The anime started in 2002-2007, when Shippuuden was aired from 2007-present.

Will The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross manga created by Arina Tanemura become an anime show?

there a good chance that it will be. fullmoon became an anime and its started as a manga story. but it took some time to air the anime once the manga story was finished. well if i have to wait the anime better be something worth waiting for. if its not what a waste (^.^)

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HE started the war in Ishval in the manga and the second (2009) anime, FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. In the first anime it is never stated for sure, only that it was run by the Homunculi.

What year did case closed debuted?

The manga started in 1994.The anime stared in 1996.

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Manga started in 1998 and anime adaptaion was made in 2001

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