The pilot chapter of the manga was released in 1997, but the official manga started in 1999-present. The anime started in 2002-2007, when Shippuuden was aired from 2007-present.
KHS is a Naruto side story made to represent the characters in highschool life. You can find it on under Naruto KHS.
Well it's starts like this. A man thought of it, decided to make it into a manga and there naruto was made you idiot! so ha
The creator of Naruto is Japanese. Naruto is Japanese, and the show was based off "Manga" Where do you think he was created?! In Japan!
No. Mitsuki Hyati is a fan made character and has never nor will ever appear in Naruto.
This question says you're the creator of Naruto, your English is bad like a five year old's so I do not believe you. The creator would have better grammar. Garuto does not exist, it's Naruto, Naruto Shippuden and Boruto.
Naruto and Naruto Shippuden are also made into an anime as well as a manga.
the naruto episodes are made by japan and only them. naruto was made by them so only they can broadcast naruto. america only makes it into english for the viewers
Suaske became evil
Every single episode of naruto has been made but naruto shippuden is now running. This is the events that happen 3 years after naruto. And no naruto has not become hokage yet.
No not in China but there are games in China. Naruto games are made originally made in Japan and shipped to other countries.
Japan, where all the Naruto stuff starts.
Naruto was made in Japan and dubbed in Japanese.
they never do, cause they arent in naruto they are basically fan made naruto occs
There is no such episode made so far.
That game is fake. it was never made
an episode of naruto that doesn't really have anything to do with the story or the anime made it up and it isn't canon in the naruto manga