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for me, manga. anime has colour and you just watch it instead of having to read but the manga, for me, is better cuz theres more detail (in the anime sometimes they skip parts that are in the manga) and if you missed something you can just read it over again. ^^

to add what they said it really depends on how they interped the story line there are anime who story line and chacter devoploment are better than the manga but i belive its what ever you started watching and or reading first..... but there are some anime that follow the manga to the very point of color everything lol and others where the name of the people are really the only samthing

Yes, everyone have their own opinions and thoughts ^^;;

Idk. Both are realllllly good. Sometimes manga draws things out to long. Sometimes Anime skips important parts. It's a really hard choice. :)

For me manga is better. To me, manga is more the original work, and also anime has a lot of filler episodes when waiting for the manga to be produced. Also, I find anime is a little slower paced than manga.

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Anime is in my opinion more fun to watch, and you have to concentrate less on the words. Manga means more reading, but you can get more details.

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i hate to break it to you but i don't think so. But i recommend you read the manga, it includes much more than just the anime and was done nefore the anime. The manga is actually better (well i think it is) and carries on much further than the anime. And has a great ending. You can read the manga on manga fox or one manga.

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