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Max Shreck, a German actor from the early 1900's. Well known for his role as Count Orlok in the hit silent film, "Nosferatu".

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Q: Who played Count Orlok in Nosferatu?
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Related questions

What was the vampire's name in N osferatu?

The vampire's name in "Nosferatu" was Count Orlok.

How do you spell Nosferatu in plural form?

The plural form of Nosferatu is Nosferatu. It is a classification of supernatural creatures (vampires), not the name of a single individual. In the 1922 film of the same name, the fictional Count Orlok is a Nosferatu, or "bird of death."

When was Count Orlok created?

Count Orlok was created in 1922.

What does mean nasferatu?

It is a German expressionist horror film released in 1922. It was an adaption of Bram Stoker's Dracula where the vampire became Nosferatu and Dracula became Count Orlok

What is the most famous horror film?

Answer:Either Psycho or The ExcorcistAnswer:Perhaps the first should be the most famous: 1922's Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror or simply Nosferatu) an interpretation of Bram Stoker's Dracul by F.W. Murnau starring Max Schreck as Count Orlok.

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What famous character did Vlad the Impaler life inspire?

Technically, there are two answers to this question. The most famous character based on Vlad the Impaler was Count Dracula from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. A second character, not quite as famous but still rather well known, was Count Orlok from Nosferatu.

What movie and television projects has Max Schreck been in?

Max Schreck has: Played Don Mendo in "Der Richter von Zalamea" in 1920. Played Hausdiener Peter in "Der Roman der Christine von Herre" in 1921. Performed in "Der zeugende Tod" in 1921. Played Grossmeister der Tempelherren in "Nathan der Weise" in 1922. Played Kunde in "Mysterien eines Frisiersalons" in 1923. Played Der Doge von Venedig in "Der Kaufmann von Venedig" in 1923. Performed in "Dudu, ein Menschenschicksal" in 1924. Played Apotheker in "Krieg im Frieden" in 1925. Played Troedler in "Am Rande der Welt" in 1927. Performed in "Ramper, der Tiermensch" in 1927. Played Tulipan in "Die Republik der Backfische" in 1928. Played Nikolai Nikolajewitsch in "Rasputins Liebesabenteuer" in 1928. Played Ein Kellner in "Scampolo" in 1928. Played Alexander in "Luther" in 1928. Played Kammerdiener Rietz in "Der alte Fritz - 2. Ausklang" in 1928. Performed in "Wolga Wolga" in 1928. Played Kammerdiener Rietz in "Der alte Fritz - 1. Friede" in 1928. Played Finanzminister von Krampf in "Serenissimus und die letzte Jungfrau" in 1928. Played Benno Biersack in "Der Kampf der Tertia" in 1929. Played Beamter in der Strafsvollzugsanstalt in "Boykott" in 1930. Performed in "Peter Voss, der Millionendieb" in 1932. Performed in "Ein Mann mit Herz" in 1932. Played Dracula-Nosferatu (edited from "Nosferatu") in "Boo" in 1932. Performed in "Nacht der Versuchung" in 1932. Played Hoteldirektor in "Das verliebte Hotel" in 1933. Played Chesterfield in "Der Tunnel" in 1933. Played Dr. Kurtz, Amtsarzt in "Eine Frau wie Du" in 1933. Played Professor Kolski in "Roman einer Nacht" in 1933. Played Redner auf Hochzeitsfeier in "Peer Gynt" in 1934. Played Auswanderer in "Donogoo Tonka" in 1936. Played William in "Die letzten Vier von Santa Cruz" in 1936. Played Nosferatu in "Le vampire" in 1945. Played Nosferatu in "Historia del cine: Epoca muda" in 1983. Played Count Orlok in "Biography" in 1987. Played himself in "Empire of the Censors" in 1995. Played Graf Orlok in "Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood" in 1995. Performed in "100 Years of Horror" in 1996. Played Orlof in "The Mark of Dracula" in 1997. Played Count Orlok in "Nosferatu: The First Vampire" in 1998. Performed in "Universal Horror" in 1998. Played Nosferatu in "SpongeBob SquarePants" in 1999. Played Nosferatu in "The Frankenstein Files: How Hollywood Made a Monster" in 2002. Played Graf Orlok (segment "Under Pressure") in "Queen: Greatest Video Hits 2" in 2003. Played Nosferatu in "Spisok korabley" in 2008. Played Graf Orlok in "How to Survive a Vampire Attack" in 2009. Performed in "Nightfall" in 2010.

What count is also known by the name 'Nosferatu'?

'Nosferatu' is another name for a vampire.

What are the names of vampire that don't burn down from the sun?

They actually do not have any special name. Mythological vampires do not burn in the sun. Neither any vampire from a story that had been written before 1922 did. The first vampire who burned in the sun was Count Orlok in the film "Nosferatu" (1922).

What is the other name for nosferatu?

Nosferatu mean 'plague carrier' which is what Count Orlock did to the city of Bremen.

What is another name for 'Dracula'?

In no specific order: Count Orlock. Count Dragule. Count Olrox. Nosferatu. Count Orlock Nosferatu. Vlad Țepeș (Vlad Tepesh), Vlad Dracul, Dracul, Draquo, Dragonking, Lord of Vampires, The count.