There were two actors that have played Anakin. Well three if you count Darth Vader in the Original Trilogy.
Senator Padme Amidala
look at Revenge of the Sith Chancellor Palpatine was talking about Darth plaguies when he said life he looks directly at Anakin's face and you almost expect him to say "you" so Darth Sidious saw his master Darth Plaguies creating Anakin Skywalker. Darth Sidious saw that Anakin will replace him as Darth Plaguies' apprentice so Darth Sidious killed him in his nap.
I um well kinda.
Two - song - was created on 2009-06-22.
The duration of Two for the Seesaw is 1.98 hours.
anakin skywalker
9 feet tall
Senator Padme Amidala
green in attack of the clones in revenge of the sith blue
Darth Vader he has a red lightsaber remember may the force be with you!
the sith theme song
I don't know it But i know one code to unlock speeder bike it's - jetpack001
BBY means before the battle of Yavin and ABY means after the battle of Yavin. It is a Bc/ Ad concept. For example anakins was born in 41.9 BBY and then died in 4 ABY.
Technically, in some stores it was released in December of 2007 (Anakins clone wars starfighter), as a preview of the the Lego star wars the clone wars line. So answering your question, yes.
A lot! Kamino gets attacked by Grievous, Cad Bane kidnaps C3PO and R2, Anakins will see his own future, Ahsoka will turn to the darkside and much more...
60 planned issues, i have the first seven, they are they are: Issue 1: Milennium falcon Issue 2: X wing Issue 3: Tie fighter and Anakins Jedi Starship Issue 4: AT-AT Issue 5: Imperial Star Destroyer Issue 6: Jabba's sail barge Issue 7: A-Wing starfighter