played? In Twilight, it was Rachelle Lefevre(dats how u spell it right?)
In New Moon it was also Rachelle, In Eclipse, shes been replaced- :( -with Bryce Dallas Howard.
4evrblu x
Rachelle Lefevre played Victoria.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
Rachel Lefeve or Leferve or something like that plays Victoria in the first Twilight movie. It has now been announced that she will not be playing Victoria in the following movies, the new director's daughter is playing it. (It's always good to know that nepitism is alive and well. Not. Sorry, just my opinion.)
in the woods
Yes, Rachelle Lefevre plays Victoria in both Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon films. Although, Rachelle Lefevre will not play Victoria in the third film, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and will be replaced by Byrce Howard.
Victoria doesn't die in Twilight she dies in Eclipse where Edward beheads her
No - Victoria is an antagonist throughout the books of the Twilight series, including Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse.
Victoria's second name in the Twilight series is Sutherland.
Rachelle Lefevré played Victoria in Twilight.
Victoria is the mate of the villain, the tracker James.
James is Victoria's mate, lover, and husband.
Rachelle Lefevre played Victoria.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
no she dies in Eclipse
Rachel Lefeve or Leferve or something like that plays Victoria in the first Twilight movie. It has now been announced that she will not be playing Victoria in the following movies, the new director's daughter is playing it. (It's always good to know that nepitism is alive and well. Not. Sorry, just my opinion.)