Yes, Rachelle Lefevre plays Victoria in both Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon films. Although, Rachelle Lefevre will not play Victoria in the third film, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and will be replaced by Byrce Howard.
played? In Twilight, it was Rachelle Lefevre(dats how u spell it right?) In New Moon it was also Rachelle, In Eclipse, shes been replaced- :( -with Bryce Dallas Howard. 4evrblu x
The actress that plays Victoria in The Twilight Saga: New Moon is Rachelle Lefevre.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
In New Moon, Rachelle Leferve is playing Victoria, the same person who played her in Twilight. In Eclipse, though, Victoria is being played by Bryce Dallas Howard. Hope this is a good enough answer for you =)
Victoria is played by the same person (Rachelle Lefevre) in Twilight and in New Moon, but is played by Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse.
The person fired from new moon was Rachelle Lefevre. She played the vampire, Victoria
Rachelle Lefevre played Victoria in the film adaptation of "New Moon". However, due to a scheduling conflict, she was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard for the subsequent films in the series.
played? In Twilight, it was Rachelle Lefevre(dats how u spell it right?) In New Moon it was also Rachelle, In Eclipse, shes been replaced- :( -with Bryce Dallas Howard. 4evrblu x
The actress that plays Victoria in The Twilight Saga: New Moon is Rachelle Lefevre.
Victoria will most likely be played by Rachelle Lefevre, the actress who played Victoria in the first Twilight movie, will be playing the same roll in New Moon. Victoria is a nomadic vampire who seeks revenge on Edward Cullen and Bella Swan for the death of her mate, James the Tracker. There is a rumor that Rachelle won't be playing Victoria, but that is more than likely not true. Rachelle Levfevre is definitely playing Victoria in New Moon but is for sure been fired from Eclipse, which premieres on June 30, 2010. Yes, not long ago it was announced that Rachelle Lefevre would not be Victoria in the third Twilight movie, Eclipse. She has been replaced with Bryce Dallas Howard due to this scheduling conflict. It was reported that Rachelle had made a commitment to do some filming with another company at the same time Eclipse filming would begin. Twi-hards have started a petition to get Rachelle back in her roll as Victoria. We will have to wait and see what's going to happen next.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
In New Moon, Rachelle Leferve is playing Victoria, the same person who played her in Twilight. In Eclipse, though, Victoria is being played by Bryce Dallas Howard. Hope this is a good enough answer for you =)
Cam Gigandet plays James, Edi Gathegi plays Laurent and Rachelle Lefevre plays Victoria. However, in Eclipse, Rachelle has been replaaced with Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria.
No, in Eclipse Edward's adoptive mother, Esme, was portrayed by the same actress who played her in Twilight and New Moon, Elizabeth Reaser. The character that was replaced in Eclipse was Victoria, the red-headed bad vampire that dies at the end. Victoria was originally played by Rachelle Lefevre.
Victoria is played by the same person (Rachelle Lefevre) in Twilight and in New Moon, but is played by Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse.
There were several changes in actors throughout the "Twilight" series. One notable example is the character of Victoria, who was played by Rachelle Lefevre in the first two movies and then replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in the third film, "Eclipse." Additionally, Taylor Lautner was recast as Jacob Black in the second movie, "New Moon," following his character's growth.
Rachel Lefeve or Leferve or something like that plays Victoria in the first Twilight movie. It has now been announced that she will not be playing Victoria in the following movies, the new director's daughter is playing it. (It's always good to know that nepitism is alive and well. Not. Sorry, just my opinion.)