In New Moon, Rachelle Leferve is playing Victoria, the same person who played her in Twilight. In Eclipse, though, Victoria is being played by Bryce Dallas Howard. Hope this is a good enough answer for you =)
yaaa she is she playes herminy in harry poter.
He playes on a Cordoba custom artist
Twilight and mew moon are the only twilight saga movies out for now.
Kacey Barry is played by Brogan Ellis from Liverpool
Play That Funky Music
"Victoria" in the upcoming movie Vampires Suck is played by Arielle Kebbel, who played "Cecilia" in Aquamarine.She also playes Lexi in The vampire diaries
The actor that played Victoria in Twilight and New Moon was fired. She was fired because she had started to play another character for another movie, because Eclipse was almost done.
Twighlight is called that because its about vampires in the twighlight and about darkness.
Twighlight is called that because its about vampires in the twighlight and about darkness.
The movie twighlight right now is about 24$
at blockbuster