best friend best friend best friend
Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend.. Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend..
Gabriella's best friend is Taylor McKessie.
his best friend is R-TruthJohn Cenas best friend out of the ring is randy orton
Jaime King is her best friend!
stu bennett
The same he used for the CORRE theme song
Well if your talking about the battle royal on raw for the #1 contendier for the wwe chamionship John cena had to take wade barrets orders to help wade barret win and when it came to the 2 of them john cena had to walk out of the ring.
Sentence: I had to wade in the water/snow to get my friend out of there. Question: Can you wade in the snow to get my shovel at the left?
yes in barrets
WADE. i think matt is not as unique as wade! i know atleast 3 matts and no wades! Wade is my best bet!
The funniest most awesome friend in the world!
The following people were part of Wade Barret's Nexus. They are: · Wade Barrett (Original Leader) · David Otunga · Michael McGillicutty · Michael Tarver · Husky Harris · Skip Sheffield · Darren Young · Heath Slater · Justin Gabriel · Daniel Bryan · John Cena The Nexus was one of the very successful Heel stables in the WWE. The leader of Nexus Wade Barret was very successful as a singles competitor as well.
Either Dwyane Wade or LeBron James.
Sonia Cabrera b-day February 16, met her through a basketball game in Miami,they have been bestfriends since august 15,2009