Lana Del Reys real name is " Elizabeth Woolridge Grant ".
Because of her genetic. Edit : No, its because she got lip injections. It is clear to see when you look at pictures of her when she was younger.
It's Lana Del Rey, although her first record came out under the name Lana Del Ray.
Lana del Rey is female.
Lana Del Ray is a/an Singer-songwriter
Lana Del Rey has not publicly identified her sexual orientation.
Lana Del Rey goes by Lizzy.
Lana Del Rey - EP - was created in 2011.
Lana Del Ray was born on June 21, 1985
Lana Del Ray was born on June 21, 1985
Lana Del Rey is 28 years old as of this year, 2014.
The population of Livinallongo del Col di Lana is 1,443.