ahaha, no he has 2. he has 2 birth marks a little below his nipples, and about the size of them so everyone just kids about it! the best video shot of it is in the kiss you video he covers them both <3
ASQUAWCHESTRA. Youre welcome.
you go on your stamp album
Because youre stupid
Answer: Depends on what video youre looking for?
All of Justin Biebers music video! If your not a fan...... Youre missin out!
TODAY!!! http://www.slack-time.com/music-video-6224-New-Boyz-Youre-A-Jerk
One of this is youre Mother and the other his girlfriend
All black but nothing that covers youre face
I listen to my iPod, watch TV or play some video games. Try to hang out with friends
YOU,just right click on it and click on embed IF THAT DOESENT WORK THEN YOURE A NOOB !
youre a cyberbot i just know it or you own this hole site
try ebay, but make sure they are youre region, eg pal, ntsc
it doesnt matter what colour you are. If a girl likes you she likes u of who u are.
That depends what role you want to fill, because there are countless subcategories of video game design. If youre talking about programming, you need to know C.