Directioners are people who like One Direction. They support them. They are loving people who defend their fandom when needed to. "Directioners are awesome!" "We love One Direction." "You need to back off! One Direction never did anything to you."
louis or niall my fav is harry
One Direction font
One Direction. Definetly One Direction
He said the four lads I'm with
Zayn didn't have a passport
Niall Horan
Louis William Tomlinson!
he likes girls who eat twix and who would accept him from who he is and not because he is a memeber of 1d
his grandpa
One direction
One Direction :) defo they are seriously awsome
One Direction. They're #1 in 37 countries. :)
Yes, One Direction is THE best -Alexandria
ONE DIRECTION! But I'm a Directioner so yeah...
Who is best out of Justin Bieber and One Direction will depend largely on who you ask. Many teen girls will say that One Direction is best, while others will tell you Justin Bieber is number one.
i am pregnant and your the father