Directioners are people who like One Direction. They support them. They are loving people who defend their fandom when needed to. "Directioners are awesome!" "We love One Direction." "You need to back off! One Direction never did anything to you."
LLN means for "Directioners" like me, it means Laugh Like Niall. after Niall Horan in One Direction. The only Irish one.
WMYB means What Makes You Beautiful which is a very popular One Direction song.(:
No way! There are millions of Directioners out there, like for example me, and guess what: I LOVE HARRY STYLES.
First of all its NIALL not neill ok? and everyone loves NIALL because that's what true directioners do!
Everybody wanna steal my girl... Everbody wanna take her heart away... Couple billion in the whole wide world...
more directioners
Directioners are around 13-18. That's the ages of the majority of Directioners.
Nope, but most Directioners call themselves "Narnian Directioners" as they don't live in the same homeland as One Direction.
They are called directioners and they one direction haters are called directionaters i do not like one direction
they are called DIRECTIONERS norma and Sandra directioners 4 life
Directioner and DirectioNATORS Directioners-like/love One Direction for who they are and love all of them accepting their flaws which they don't have any but if you're a directioner you're always a directioner, there is more but i'm not going to say all of it, that's to much. DirectioNATORS- Directioners HATE them! But Directionators don't like all of them, they call themselves directioners but they really arent. But just don't get me started on Directionators
Directioners hate Danielle and Eleanor because ther jealous of them for being with the guy that they like, cause they want them to themselves.
LLN means for "Directioners" like me, it means Laugh Like Niall. after Niall Horan in One Direction. The only Irish one.