Eric Cartman because stewies cute and swears a lot and too much gun shooting makes him hyper
Stewie would probably kick her and she would spit out her dummy at him and it will be a ti...OH WAIT NO if Stewie could beat up Brian the Stewie could beat up Maggie!! The winner is Stewie Griffin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, Brian did indeed kill the evil sadistic clone but the 'Thriller' inspired ending was to indicate that there is still a little bit of evil in Stewie and he hasn't gone soft.
The evil Stewie clone does it in The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
I don't recall a griffin in Lord of the Rings.
Season 8|Episode 6 Quagmire's BabySeason 11|Episode 22Road To VegasIn Hand that Rocks the WheelchairSeason 09|Episode 12, an evil version of Stewie is cloned but not Brian.
Stewie would probably kick her and she would spit out her dummy at him and it will be a ti...OH WAIT NO if Stewie could beat up Brian the Stewie could beat up Maggie!! The winner is Stewie Griffin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he is just a evil lil baby who tries to kill his motha
No, Brian did indeed kill the evil sadistic clone but the 'Thriller' inspired ending was to indicate that there is still a little bit of evil in Stewie and he hasn't gone soft.
Because Stewie was evil and attempting to take over the world.
The evil Stewie clone does it in The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
its evil
He started out as simply wanted to kill his mother since he believed she was standing in his way of world domination but he as evolved slightly into more of a sociopath. The last few seasons though, they've moved past that and he's not evil any longer.
I don't recall a griffin in Lord of the Rings.
If you are refering to Steward Gilligan Griffin the cartoon caracter then yes i belive so. He has shown intrest's in both males and females. He's evil, Bisexual, Genius, Weird, funny. Maybe that's why he's my favorite :) You can't have pie without coohwip :)
Yes. Peter Junior, although Peter killed him through shaken baby syndrome.Also, and even though he's unaware of it, Bertram was his son as a result of his donation to a sperm bank.