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kelly kelly

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Q: Who is machine gun kelly's ex-girlfriend?
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Are there 2 machine gun kellys?

Yes. 1) The infamous American Gangster from the 50s. 2) The rapper. -aka- MGK

What is the world's most powerful light machine gun mmg medium machine gun and hmg heavy machine gun?

light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun

What is the difference between machine gun and sub-machine gun?

A sub-machine gun fires pistol cartridges. A machine gun fires rifle rounds.

What are machine gun nests?

machine gun position

How much was a machine gun machine gun in 1969?

Depends on the machine gun. Anywhere from $100 to several thousand dollars

Is an AK 47 a machine gun? is not an a machine gun (u probably wont be knowing this) the minigun or gatling gun is considered to be a machine gun a proper one tho. most people say it a machine gun but it is a submachine gun

What is the traditional word for a group of machine guns?

There really isn't a "traditional" word for it. It could be a machine gun section, machine gun squad, machine gun platoon, machine gun company, a group or cluster of machine guns, etc.

Can you imitate a machine gun?

yes you can imitate a machine gun. With the proper use of equipment one can make a fake machine gun.

Is a Uzi a sub machine gun?

Yes. A sub machine gun is a machine gun that fires pistol rounds and Uzis are 9mm.

What is a machine gun nose?

It's when a machine gun enters the nose.

Is Machine Gun Kelly single?

No, Machine Gun Kelly is not single.