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Justin beiber

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Q: Who is engaged to Selena Gomez Michael Jo or Justin Bieber?
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Is Justin Bieber or Michael Jo engaged to Selena Gomez?

Michael Jo!

Is Selena gomez engaged with Justin Bieber?

No, Selena Gomez is not engaged to Justin Bieber.

Are Justin bieber and Selena gomez engaged?

No, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are not engaged. They are just dating. Either way they are way too young to be engaged.

Are Selena and Justin Bieber engaged after their kisses?

No they are not engaged. thank goodness

Will Selena Gomez Marry Michael Jo or Justin Bieber?

This is Selena Gomez,Justin and I are not engaged. I Love Michael Jo forever I wear a promise ring for Michael & I's Relationship.Him and I just Love each other

Are Michael Jo and Selena gomez engaged?

This is Selena Gomez ,Justin and I are just Friends, Michael Jo and I ARE engaged:)

Is selena gomez and justin bieber engaged?

justin bieber is18 and a grown up sooooooo gosip said justin bieber gave selena a diamond ring!!

Did Justin bieber get ingaged to Selena gomez?

No, Justin Bieber did not get engaged to Selena Gomez, 2 days ago, there was a rumor in the papers, but it's NOT true

Is Justin bieber and Selena gomez ingadged?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are not engaged but they're in a strong boy friend girl friend relationship

Did Justin Bieber get engaged?

No, he's just dating Selena Gomez.

Was Justin Bieber and selena Gomez engaged?

Yea but she found out he has no dick.

Is it true that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are secretly engaged?

i think