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Q: Did Selena Gomez asked out Justin bieber or Justin bieber asked out Selena Gomez?
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Which celebrities has Justin Bieber asked out?

Justin Bieber has asked out Rihanna, Beyonce and Selena Gomez.

What did Justin Bieber celebrity he asked out?

Selena Gomez

What famous cleberty did Justin bieber ask out?

I do not like saying this because i LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER lol!! But Justin asked out Selena Gomez. :D XD xx

Why should have Selena Gomez said no when Justin Bieber asked her out?

Because no self-respecting woman, or even Selena Gomez, should agree to be a gay man's beard.

Which is Justin Bieber's best picture ever?

There is a photo of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in a car and Selena Gomez is covering her face and Justin Beiber is pulling the rude finger at photographers. Look for the photo on Google, it's under Selena Gomez ugliest photos and keep scrolling down you'll find it.

Has Justin bieber ever asked a girl to marry him?

No. He just recently has got a girl friend, Selena Gomez.

Did Selena Gomez admit that she is dating Justin Bieber?

No, she has not. David Letterman asked her and she wouldn't answer and kept changing the subject.

Does Justin Bieber like someone besides Selena Gomez?

Justin biber really likes Beyonce because i read books abut him and i asked questions face to face and one of my questions were who does he likes and he said he doesn't just likes he loves Beyonce because of her Butt and the way she dances and sings He likes Selena Gomez

Why Selena Gomez is so pretty?

because she was born pretty anyone can look like Selena Gomez although it will take a while and Selena is pretty she even has Justin bieber as her boyfriend although she should of said no when Justin asked her out!!!!

Which celeb did Justin bieber ask out?

He has asked out Rihanna before and Alexa Chung but they rejected him. He is now currently dating Disney star Selena Gomez

Did Justin Bieber asked Selena Gomez to marry him?

In Fact, Yes He did, and Selena Gomez said YES He did not want to marry Eva Nimts or Kadiga Ngoua Later on he divorced with Selena Gomez and lookng for Eneida Jhebro Eneida+Justin= LOOOVE

Does Selena gomez really like Selena Gomez or is she just trying to take his fame?

You just asked if Selena Gomez likes herself or if shes trying to steal his fame which doesn't make sense but if your asking if she likes Justin Bieber or if she is trying to steal his fame then the answer is she like him. He isn't nearly as famous as she is. Justin Bieber is lame. There isn't much fame he has that she could take because she is 1000000000 times more famous than him.