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Bryce Dallas Howard is replacing Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) and the reason is because she took on another role without giving a proper amount of time for the filming of twilight to be worked around her schedule of the other movie..... well so they say.

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He was because he was to short, but to prevent this he put on 30 pounds of muscle. So therefore he is NOT being replace in new moon.

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No one....... if he got sick or something they had to wait until he got back

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Q: Who is being replaced in the third twilight movie?
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Was Rachelle Lefevre replaced as Victoria in New Moon?

Yes, Rachelle Lefevre plays Victoria in both Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon films. Although, Rachelle Lefevre will not play Victoria in the third film, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and will be replaced by Byrce Howard.

What are the names of twilight movies?

The names of the Twilight movies are the same as the name of the books. There is Twilight, the first movie of the saga. Then there is New Moon, which is the second installment of the saga. Next, there is Eclipse, the third movie. Then, most recently released, is Breaking Dawn, which is broken into two parts.

Are theY GOING TO KEep the same actors in the third and fourth saga of twilight?

Yes they are They are already done filming the third movie Eclipse and it premiers June 30, 2010.

What movie comes first in The Twilight Saga?

I personally think twilight is better but that's just me. I thought it was better because I had a picture in my mind already when she described things because I saw the movie already but that is just my opinion.

Did twilight 3 come out in movie?

Wait till the second on come's out. Twilight 3, otherwise known as The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, will be in theatres June 30, 2010, for North America. As of right now, considering how far off the release date is, Summit Entertainment could possibly change the release date at any moment, given any new available release dates or problems come up. When whoever wants to make it prises their script from my cold, dead hands.

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Who played Victoria in the movie Twilight?

Rachelle Lefevre portrayed Victoria in the first two Twilight movies before being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in the third installment, Eclipse.

Is twilight coming with a third movie?


What is the name of the third twilight movie?

The third Twilight movie does not exist yet but I'm sure they are making it right now. The third book is called Eclipse and I'm sure this is what the movie will be called. It is coming out June 30th, 2010.

When will the third twilight movie come out?

The third movie in the Twilight Saga, Eclipsebegins filming in August, 2009 and is tentatively scheduled for release on June 30, 2010.

What was the name of the third part of twilight movie?


When did the movie twilight end shooting?

I actually don't know when but I do know that the third Twilight movie will be out in June 2010 and apparently they have filmed all the Twilight movies back-to-back so when the first one was out the second one was being filmed and the same with the second

Are there any auditions for the third twilight movie?

I'm sad to say that there aren't going to be any open auditions for the 3rd twilight movie.

When does the third twilight movie come out?

it comes out June 30 2010.

When is the movie eclipse coming out the third seqeul to twilight?

there is no official date.

When is the third movie of twilight going to come out?

June 30th 2010

When does the Twilight movie come out in England?

The premiere was on the third of December, and the movie comes out for he public on the 19th of December.

When does the third movie of twilight come out to theaters?

They are thinking Eclipse will be out in June 2010