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Q: Who is Mulder's father?
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When did Rob Mulders die?

Rob Mulders died in 1998.

When was Rob Mulders born?

Rob Mulders was born in 1967.

When was Edgar Mulders born?

Edgar Mulders was born in 1974.

When was Paul Mulders born?

Paul Mulders was born on 1981-01-16.

What is Agent Fox Mulders middle name?

Fox Mulders (fictional FBI agent from the X files) middle name is William.

What has the author Alph Mulders written?

Alph Mulders has written: 'Inleiding tot de missiewetenschap' -- subject(s): Missiologie, Missions, Theory

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What has the author Jean-Paul Mulders written?

Jean-Paul Mulders has written: 'Een zeer treurige prins' -- subject(s): Authors, Dutch, Biography, Dutch Authors

What has the author Pieter J Mulders written?

Pieter J. Mulders has written: 'Arbeid om te leven en arbeidsleven' -- subject(s): Christianity, Religious aspects of Work, Work

What is the phrase on the UFO poster in Fox Mulders office in x files?

"I Want to Believe"

What is the birth name of Hans Kazan?

Hans Kazan's birth name is Hans Mulders.

Is suzan erens married?

She is married to Mitch Mulders, guitarist, and now lives in Norway