her full name is Bridget Louise Riley.
Norval Siniclair Marley(AKA bob marleys father) died in 1955 of a heart attack when bob was 10 and hes was 60
No Cowboy Bob Orton (Randy's Dad) is very much still alive and very active.Bob Orton Sr. Randy's grandfather and Cowboy Bob's father is the one who died.
No. Father Thomas was played by the actor Brad Sullivan, who looks very similar to Billy Bob. Here's a link to a picture of him: http://www.hotflick.net/pictures/993SAT_Brad_Sullivan_001.html
No, they aren't. Well, they're not father and son, at least. I've been looking for this answer for a while today. Finally I thought to check imdb for Bob Hoskins (I had been searching for Loren the whole time). It says that Bob has 4 kids, none of which being Loren.
The duration of Welcome to the Rileys is 1.83 hours.
Welcome to the Rileys was created on 2010-01-23.
Welcome to the Rileys was released on 10/29/2010.
his father is you - you are his father
Welcome to the Rileys grossed $312,857 worldwide.
Welcome to the Rileys grossed $152,857 in the domestic market.
WelCome to the Rileys, starring Kristen Stewart is set to be available for purchase on February 1, 2011.
Bob Marley was 12 years old when his father died.
You can say "Le nom de mon père est Bob" in French to express "my father's name is Bob".