Fox Mulders (fictional FBI agent from the X files) middle name is William.
"I Want to Believe"
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
Swiper the fox
Copper, Tod was the fox.
"I Want to Believe"
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
his middle name was fox... roy fox lichtenstien x =D
Terry Fox's full name was Terrance Stanley Fox.His full name is Terrance Stanley Fox.
His full name was Terrance Stanley Fox.
Her full name is Vivica Anjanetta Fox.
Megan Fox's middle name is Denise. Making her full name, Megan Denise Fox.
Vivica A. Fox's birth name is Vivica Anjanetta Fox.
Terry Fox's full name was Terrance Stanley Fox.His full name is Terrance Stanley Fox.
Incpector Carmalita Montoya Fox (source: the first sly cooper game)
Todd means "fox" in Middle English.