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WARNING WARNING A NEW JUSTIN BIEBER LOOK ALIKE OUT ON THE STREETS! It has know be proven that Nathan Bladee, an Australian surfer/guitarist is the latest Justin Bieber look alike. He is a blonde boy, very attractive! You can check up on what he is doing on Twitter @bladeeboy also, he is a total flirt!

WARNING WARNING A NEW JUSTIN BIEBER LOOK ALIKE OUT ON THE STREETS! It has know be proven that Nathan Bladee, an Australian surfer/guitarist is the latest Justin Bieber look alike. He is a blonde boy, very attractive! You can check up on what he is doing on Twitter @bladeeboy also, he is a total flirt!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

WARNING WARNING A NEW JUSTIN BIEBER LOOK ALIKE OUT ON THE STREETS! It has know be proven that Nathan Bladee, an Australian surfer/guitarist is the latest Justin Bieber look alike. He is a blonde boy, very attractive! You can check up on what he is doing on Twitter @bladeeboy also, he is a total flirt!

awesome,beautiful and young so young.

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