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The word is medieval and you are asking the wrong question. Medieval is an adjective referring to the Middle Ages. Ordinarily, this refers to the period between Ancient Times (before the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D.476) and Modern Times (from the discovery of America in 1492). In music, medieval music begins about A.D.900, when music was first written down on paper, and ends somewhere around 1420, which is usually called the beginning of the Renaissance. So you are asking about all the music that was created in Europe during a period of 500 years. In the early part of this period, chant was composed for the worship of the Catholic Church. In the 12th century church music was composed in polyphony (more than one melodic line sung together). In this same era, troubadours and trouveres wrote songs for secular entertainment. The music of the Middle Ages was mostly vocal and choral music. Instruments were used to play the melodies sometimes.

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