p stands for piano in musical notation. It is a dynamic marking which indicates the piece or section should be played soft.
No, allegro is a tempo marking versus an articulation.
internet marking
It was around the 17th century when composers started marking their scores with instructions about dynamics. It was during the Baroque period.
It was around the 17th century when composers started marking their scores with instructions about dynamics. It was during the Baroque period.
17th century, beginning with the influential Italian composers of the age.
Because of new instruments :)
George Dunne invented the marking gauge with his giant head
p stands for piano in musical notation. It is a dynamic marking which indicates the piece or section should be played soft.
Largo is a tempo marking for slow. It typically means a bpm of 40-60.
It originally started with forest rangers marking trees with paintball guns
Paintball guns were widly used as marking guns by the wildlife police.
Largo is a tempo marking for slow. It typically means a bpm of 40-60.
The water clock, or clepsydra, was invented after the sundial. It used the flow of water to measure time by marking the passage of hours as the water level decreased.
The compressed air gun, which shot metal bb's was invented before the paint marking gun.