Bella chooses Edward. If you want to know the reason why it is is because in Twilight Saga Eclipse after Bella came to Charlies after seeing how Jacob was doing after the fight from broken bones. She finally decided that she couldn't live without Edward and could live without Jacob.
bcoz he kept ignoring her
because all her life had been so boring never good at anything but ever since she met edward she wanted to be a vampire because she would/is good at it, she was born to be a vampire.But I choose Jacob beause of his personality,at least he gets renesmee.
The conflict between Edward and Jacob stems from their love for Bella. They are both madly in love with her but Bella feels a love like no other for Edward and only a brotherly love for Jacob. Bella believes the two do not get along because they are so much alike.
she ends up with Edward and they have a baby.. but she gets very close to Jacob in new moon when Edward leaves her. but in the end she chooses Edward.
in eclipse Bella must choose between edward and Jacob. she chooses edward of corse!
She chooses Edward Cullen :)
YES!!!!!!! She does pick Edward over Jacob!!!! And Edward turns Bella into a vampire when she was dying when while she was giving birth to Reneesme.
She has to choose between Edward and Jacob and she chooses Edward after she finds out Jacob is a werewolf and his friends.
You should read the books to find this out but Bella loves Jacob but not in the way she loves Edward. In the end she chooses Edward after Jacob said he would "back off".
bcoz he kept ignoring her
It is about Victoria trying to take revenge on Bella because edward killed her mate so she leads a group of newborn vampires. Bella must also choose... Jacob or Edward but Edward was her choose. Bella and Edward are engaged as well.
No, in the end she decided to choose Edward. She loves Jacob too but decides that she can live without him (its in Eclipse)
no new moon even though she spent alot of months with Jacob, her mind was always on Edward. Edward and Bella are inseparable. they are soul mates. even though Bella really likes Jacob (AS A FRIEND), Bella will never choose him instead of Edward.
Bella chooses Edward. But in the end she is turned into a vampire because of an unexpected pregnancy that has many difficulties for her. That pregnancy results in the female child-Reneseme that Jacob imprints upon. She gets Jacob in her life just as her friend but she is soul-mates with Edward.
Edward Cullen chose Bella Swan because he fell deeply in love with her. Despite the challenges and risks associated with their relationship, Edward could not resist his feelings for Bella and chose to be with her.
Yes, she met Jacob after Edward and fell in love with Jacob only after Edward and Bella were engaged...