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Romantically, he predominantly loves Patroklos, although it could be argued that he also loves Briseis, but not to the same degree; it is all open to interpretation.

He also loves his family, his father and mother.

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Briseis, played by Rose Byrne in the movie starring Brad Pitt.

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Q: Who does Achilles fall in love with in the movie troy?
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Helen of Troy was played by Diane Kruger in the movie Troy. The love interest of Brad Pitt (Achilles) in the movie was Briseis played by Rose Byrne.

Who played in helen of troy as Brad Pitt s love interest?

Helen of Troy was played by Diane Kruger in the movie Troy. The love interest of Brad Pitt (Achilles) in the movie was Briseis played by Rose Byrne.

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He didn't single handedly cause the fall of troy, but he did fight in the battle. all of the Greeks together with much help from Achilles caused the fall of troy

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In the falling action of the movie "Troy," the aftermath of the Trojan War is depicted as the Greeks successfully breach the city of Troy using the Trojan Horse. The movie explores the consequences of the war, including the deaths of key characters like Achilles and Hector, as well as the fall of Troy itself.

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In the movie, Paris kills Achilles with a bow and arrow and Troy is burned to the ground. At the very end, it finishes with Achilles's body being burned on the pyre in Troy and the smoke flying into the air.

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Yes he does , cause he regrets killing hector

How did Achilles die and storys about hem?

This one vulnerable spot a poisoned arrow from the bow of Paris found out, and Achilles died prior to the fall of Troy.

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The movie Troy is based on Homer's Iliad. Brad Pitt plays the Greek hero Achilles.

Is troy the son of Achilles or Ares?

Troy is not the son of Achilles or Ares. In Greek mythology, Troy refers to the city of Troy, which is famously known for the Trojan War. Achilles is a Greek hero who fought in the Trojan War, while Ares is the Greek god of war.

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