Garrett Hedlund Hedlund has starred in several major films, including the epic Troy (in which he made his film industry debut as Patroclus, younger cousin of Achilles)
Brothers, The Brothers Grimm, The Blues Brothers, Four Brothers, Step Brothers, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Brothers McMullen, The Brothers Solomon, The Brothers Karamazov, The Brothers Bloom, The Corsican Brothers, ...
The older brother was Michael (ROBERT MACNAUGHTON).
Only 1 of the brothers died in the movie. The youngest brother; Jack died. he was shot in a shootout in their home which Sweet ordered. he died with his brothers around him. ---he was my fave brothers :'(----Poor Jackie-Poo, he was the only one to die out of Bobbie, Angel, Jerimaih, and of course, Jackie-Poo, that's his pet name
Wonder Man is the name of the movie
From oldest to youngest ...cierra, Lauren, and china
Brothers, The Brothers Grimm, The Blues Brothers, Four Brothers, Step Brothers, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Brothers McMullen, The Brothers Solomon, The Brothers Karamazov, The Brothers Bloom, The Corsican Brothers, ...
He is Joe,Kevin and Nick Jonas' youngest brother.
if the have brothers or sister the never talk about themHope I helped
She has a brother, and his name is "Haley Joel Osment". He played Cole Sear in the movie "The Sixth Sense".
I'm pretty sure it is the movie Walk the line, that tells the life of Johnny Cash
the Jonas brothers are playing at the portage Imax
The Marx brother's
yes the Jonas brothers have a little brother; The Bonus Jonas as everyone calls him. His name is Frankie Jonas aka: Franklin Jonas. Some people even think that he might even become a member of the band when Kevin is too old.
The older brother was Michael (ROBERT MACNAUGHTON).
It's about the hottest boys on earth, The Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it features Taylor Swift, and their little brother Frankie!!!!!
Probably a lot of Jonas Brother fans. The Jonas Brothers did stop in at a local theater when the people there were watching their 3D Movie. I hope I helped.
no they just played brothers in the movie 'Head of State'