Luna's character does not appear until the fifth book, the Yule Ball was in the fourth. She would also have been to young to attend unless an older student asked her. Considering her reaction to Harry asking her to Slughorn's party in the sixth one she probably didn't attend.
Fred Weasley took Angelina Johnston, but it is unknown who George Weasley took.
Yes, Cho Chang did try and take Harry to the Ravenclaw common room to look for the Lost Diadem in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows however Ginny was unhappy about this and suggested that Luna Lovegood took him.
During much of the series, that is Lee Jordan.During much of the series, that is Lee Jordan.During much of the series, that is Lee Jordan.During much of the series, that is Lee Jordan.
Any round ball can be made to work like a Fushigi. A baseball, a lacrosse ball (recommended) or even an orange can be used to do all the tricks you can do with a Fushigi (and it won't be any harder to learn). (or...) A fushigi ball is a solid chrome ball surrounded by a layer of polycarbonate. Unless you have a solid chrome ball and some melted polycarbonate then you should stick to the basics. Take an old tennis ball and cut a slit in it then take a heavier ball and stick it inside. Hot glue the slit together then......viola! your own home made fushigi!
hey if you want to know that what happened in dragon ball gt there are so many ways like play a game which has story from dragon ball to dragon ball gt or see in you tube one by one all the episodes is the way I know what happened in gt and AF.If you don't getting game you can take like dragon ball budokai tenkaichi3, dragon ball raging blast or dragon ball burst limit Thank you
The Death eaters took Luna Lovegood off the Hogwarts express when she was returning to her home in the easter hoildoys. She was taken because of what her father was writing for the Quibbler saying "Suport Harry Potter".
It is never mentioned.
Ha has already left Hogwarts by then.
He liked her enough to take her to the Yule Ball.
Lavender Brown was taken to the Yule Ball by Seamus Finnigan in Harry Potter.
Harry originally wanted to take Cho Chang, but she had already made plans to go with Cedric Diggory. So Harry ended up taking Parvati Patil, and his friend, Ron, took Parvati's sister, Padma Patil.
No, they do not kiss (at least not in shot). But Neville does decide, in the heat of battle, that he must find Luna and declare his feelings for her. We do not see this exchange take place, but after the battle is over, Luna searches Neville out and quietly sits beside him.
Hermione takes Cormac McLaggen to Slughorn's party the night that Harry brings Luna with him.
Fred Weasley took Angelina Johnston, but it is unknown who George Weasley took.
You have to be British for most of the roles, but there are some where you can be from the US. Take Evanna Lynch who plays Luna Lovegood, for instance, she was from the US and she didn't have a British accent and she got the part.
It's not mentioned in the book or the film. Fred took Angelina Johnson, although George married her in the epilogue.
Yes, Cho Chang did try and take Harry to the Ravenclaw common room to look for the Lost Diadem in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows however Ginny was unhappy about this and suggested that Luna Lovegood took him.