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Ha has already left Hogwarts by then.

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Q: Who does Oliver Wood take to the Yule Ball?
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Who did Dean Thomas take to the Yule Ball?

It is never mentioned.

Did Fred Weasley like Angelina Johnston?

He liked her enough to take her to the Yule Ball.

Who did Seamus Finnigan take to the Yule Ball?

Lavender Brown was taken to the Yule Ball by Seamus Finnigan in Harry Potter.

Who did cedric diggory take to the yule ball?

Fred Weasley took Angelina Johnston, but it is unknown who George Weasley took.

Who did george weasely take to the yule ball?

It's not mentioned in the book or the film. Fred took Angelina Johnson, although George married her in the epilogue.

Who did Harry Potter take to the prom?

I assume you mean the Yule Ball (kind of like the only prom/dance thing they have) then he took Parvati Patil though he wanted to take Cho Chang. LOL.

Where does Yule take place?

In Germany and the Nordic countries.

Who did Padma Patil take to the Yule Ball?

Ron Weasley, although he refused to dance with her even once and so she left him to go enjoy the night with other students.

Who was Fred Weasley in love with?

No, he didn't seem to have one. He did take Angelina Johnston to the Yule Ball but them dating was never mentioned.

Who did Luna Lovegood take to the Yule Ball?

Luna's character does not appear until the fifth book, the Yule Ball was in the fourth. She would also have been to young to attend unless an older student asked her. Considering her reaction to Harry asking her to Slughorn's party in the sixth one she probably didn't attend.

How do you make a b-ball backboard?

You can take a large piece of wood and cut in in a rectangle or in the shape of a backboard.

Did Liberace record take me out to the ball game?

For some reason, Liberace, who was a concert and tv performing artist, did not record singles - or did so very sparingly. He did record albums such as the inevitable Yule album with the cloyenne ( Twas the Night before Christmas).