the bullies are a quadro of sixth and fourth graders at springfield elementary school who constantly pick on bart,milhouse,martin,and sometimes lisa. jimbo the oldest wears a black shirt with a skull on it blue jeans black and white sneakers and a purple hat he even has dark brown hair with a bald spot on top. kearney the second oldest is completely bald, wears a white t-shirt and blue shorts with black shoes. Finally the youngest one dolph wears a dark green shirt black Basketball shorts and gray and white sneakers he even has a long fringe covering his eye hiding his eyebrow ring nelson wears and orange shirt with a blue vest blue shorts orange socks and blue shoes he even has light brown hair
The Simpsons Bowling happened in 2000.
In the Simpsons Movie nowhere in the movie stated that they lived in any certain area of Alaska.
The duration of The Simpsons Ride is 360.0 seconds.
There are no Arabian characters on The Simpsons.
CABF17 Simpsons Tall Tales
They were just a really brutal hockey team. The Broad Street Bullies was their nickname.
There have always been bullies. There will always be bullies.
There are cyberbullies school bullies and home bullies( siblings who hurt you)
You never know but you can see it from his eyes bullies are not everywhere but bullies are weak!
Family Guy. The Simpsons.
bullies should be suspended from the schools and strict rules should be there for bullies!
Yes, bullies is the correct spelling of the word.Some example sentences are:The bullies have finally left me alone.She bullies him every day.The boss bullies me to try and make me quit.
Bullies are generally not nice people.
The bullies tormented him endlessly.
The duration of Bullies is 1.6 hours.
Every school has bullies.
because bullies are jealous of them bullies don't like them, bullies bully them because they are mean, or bullies bully because the girls are uncool