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In the episode of the third series of Doctor Who called 'Gridlock', the Doctor states that Janis Joplin gave him his coat.

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Q: Who allegedly gave the Tenth Doctor his coat?
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You have been given two steroid shots and you are thirty five weeks pregnant will your baby bi all right if you deliver within the next week?

I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.I am going to assume it was a doctor who gave you the shots. I am also going to take a wild guess and assume the doctor knew you were pregnant at the time he/she gave you the shot. Thus, it should be OK. If the individual who gave you the shot was not a doctor, then I would advise you see one immediately.

Is green a pronoun?

No, green describes something- it is an adjective. eg. The green coat. Here, the word "green" is describing the coat. A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun (ie. "Lisa" becomes "she") "Lisa gave the coat to Phil." All three nouns in the sentence can be replaced by pronouns "She gave it to him."

What is the history of the coat that the nez perce chief gave to Isaac Stevens?

There is not much history of the coat on record but there are biographies on Isaac Stevens which may provide information on his coat. I recommend you research "The history of Isaac Stevens' coat." or simply "Isaac Stevens".

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