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The Doctor from Doctor Who has/is/been (time travel is tricky) married 4 times. Wives : 1. Unknown Gallifreyan Woman who gave him a child, who in turn gave him a granddaughter, Susan. 2. Marilyn Monroe 3. Queen Elizabeth 4. River Song

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Q: Who was Doctor Who married to?
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Who is the Doctor married to?

Doctor oz is married to lisa oz and they have four kids!

Is Matt Iseman married?

Matt Iseman is a man of many talents. He was a doctor and actor. Currently, he is a comedian. He is not married.

Is Eric pearl married?

Yes he is married and his wife is also a doctor. they have a least one child.

Who does Doctor Who marry?

The Doctor briefly married Queen Elizabeth I ("The End of Time Part I") which is referenced in "The Shakespeare Code" and "Tooth and Claw." He referenced being married at least one other time ("Blink") and had a granddaughter, Susan, suggesting another marriage. The Series 6 episode "The Doctor's Wife" suggests that the TARDIS is in a way his wife, seeing as how connected they are. The Eleventh Doctor marries River Song in the Series 6 finale "The Wedding of River Song." Also, before we were able to watch the Doctor's adventures on our television, the Doctor married a woman. It is known that the Doctor has family, however, they all most likely perished during the Time War. In real life, the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, did marry the actress who played his companion Romana, Lalla Ward. David Tennant, who played the 10th Doctor, married Georgia Moffat, who played the Doctor's "generated anomaly" daughter in the 10th Doctor episode "The Doctor's Daughter". Moffat's father is Peter Davison, who played the 5th Doctor.

What is the name of a made for tv movie on lifetime with Meridith Baxter in which she has an affair with her neighbor who is a married doctor?

"Burning Bridges"

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No. She loves Rory, though she is slightly romantically interested in the doctor.

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ask your doctor